We are currently accepting applications Summer 2024

  • Parent/Guardian(s) Information

    Please complete as many fields as possible
  • Emergency Contact

    Please complete this section
  • Additional Applicant Questions and Requirements

    All documents should be saved as PDF before uploading
  • If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to the following questions. If you are unsure whether to answer yes, we strongly suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents to avoid any risk of disciplinary action or revocation of your offer of admission.
  • School Information

  • Extracurricular, Personal and Volunteer Activities

  • List your organizations, position, description of the activity, and hours per week of involvement.
  • List each, a description, the level, and number of years of involvement.
  • List the type of work, your role, and hours per week of involvement.
  • List the type of work, your role, and hours per week of involvement.
  • Attachments and Confirmation

    Must attach the requested documents in .doc, or .pdf to complete the process
  • .doc, .docx, .pdf only
  • Attach only .jpg, .png and .pdf
  • Attach only .doc, .docx and .pdf
  • Application Agreement

  • I hereby give my permission for my son to participate in the St. Louis Alumni Guide Right/ Kappa League Program. I understand that the St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi is not responsible for personal injuries or loss of property. I understand that my child is free to leave the program at any time. I agree to immediately update this application when any of the information changes. I certify that this information is complete and accurate. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements within this application or residency statement will result in disciplinary action, denial of admission. If admitted, I agree to abide by the policies of the Board of Directors and the rules and regulations of the Program. Should any information change prior to my entry into the Program, I will notify the Office of Guide Right. I understand that there is no application fee with this application.